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Welcome to Arabella Academy Fan Club

Hey There Readers!!
First of all I want to thank all of you who took your time to read the book. The amount of gratitude I have for all of you is immeasurable. This website is designed to keep you in touch with the Arabellan family. So hop on, wear your Arabellan uniform and join the adventure!
Yours Truly❤
Ian Dominic.

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Books In The Arabella Academy Series


1. Perfectly Imperfect


He didn't expect a murder to drastically change his life.

When a fellow student is brutally murdered in Arabella Academy, Marcus thought that it was an unfortunate incident that would soon be forgotten in the peaceful life of Middletown. However, his curiosity gets the better of him and upon being at the wrong place in the wrong time, realises that its up to him and his friends to figure out why Sheila was killed. He dives into the detective business where after a few coincidences and a whole lot of bad luck, he discovers that the murder was tied to him in so many ways. This leads to a hunt to find the Dragon Pearl Necklace, a piece of jewellery which had been for so long nothing but a myth. The search for it reveals a lot about his life that he had never heard of. Shifting his life to a completelg different direction. It is a journey which will change Marcus' life completely, and one in which he will experience support, pain, danger, heartbreak, betrayal, anger and endearing love.

Will Marcus be able to make it to the end?

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Reading with Coffee

This Week on Perfectly Imperfect

After finding a picture of Luis' grandmother in the motel, the four decide to pay her a visit. What happens when a blast from the past reveals more than you actually know?

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Coming Soon...


2. Arabella Academy: The Collectors

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